The North East Cheshire Business Awards are far more than just picking up a prestigious trophy in November

Make the right impression

Creating the right impression with your team, clients, partners and investors has never been so important. With objective and robust judging the Awards provide credible third party endorsement of the success of your business. And the very fact you’ve entered proves that you’re proud of your successes and highlights your commitment to excellence and innovation.

Raise your profile

Every winner and finalist gains from regional exposure through a co-ordinated PR campaign before and after the event. In addition, a video showcase of all finalists will be shown on the evening which can only result in a raised profile among some of the most influential people in the region from the public and private sectors.

Acknowledge your team's efforts

Show your team that you care. Achievements can be easily forgotten in the hustle and bustle of business life so completing the entry form allows you to reflect on who’s contributed to your success. And if you win an award you can celebrate with your team.

Winners Quote

Business of the Year Turnover Over £5 Million: sponsored by NatWest

“As a long standing local business we were delighted to be recognised at last year’s awards. We know first-hand the value that this acknowledgement brings and would encourage all local businesses to consider submitting an entry.

When the opportunity arose to become a sponsor of the 2016 awards we jumped at the chance. We are proud to be involved in this great showcase of local success while also raising money for a worthy cause.”

Kate Ravenscroft,
SAS Daniels

Thanks to our Sponsors

And Our Partners