Frequently Asked Questions

The deadline for entries to the North Cheshire Business Awards is 1st September 2023. All entries should be sent to [email protected] by this date if they wish to be considered for an award.

Yes, you can enter into as many categories as you like. Take a look at our categories page and read through the criteria for each to see which one(s) you might be best suited for entering.

The only stipulation is that your business is based in the North Cheshire area or you are a member of North Cheshire Chamber of Commerce & Enterprise.
See our map to check if you are eligible by being located in North East Cheshire.

Why not! There are a whole host of reasons why entering the North Cheshire Business awards could be beneficial to you and your business, take a look here to find out more.

There is no strict limit on word count for candidate entries, however ideally these will be kept between 750 to 1500 words. Read the individual requirements on the entry form for your category to make sure.

Yes, supporting materials can be included as proof of your achievements, but only if they are inserted into the actual entry itself. Please do not include these as an additional attachment to your entry form.

Following the closing date, all applicable entries will be reviewed by our panel of judges and a shortlist drawn up.

Shortlisted finalists will be asked to attend for interview with the judging panel in order they can place finalists.

The purpose of the interviews is to enable the judges to get a more detailed understanding of the entry as well as the opportunity to ask questions.

Judging will take place in October.

The shortlist will be announced soon after, and you will be notified as to whether or not you have made the list before it is announced to the public.

All shortlisted entrants are expected to attend the ceremony at The Mere Golf Resort and Spa in Knutsford on Friday 18th November 2022.

This year as in previous years, the ceremony will be held at The Mere Golf Resort and Spa in Knutsford, with the date having been set for Friday 18th November 2022.

Yes, you can book either individual places or reserve a whole table if you wish. You can book your tickets here or email us at [email protected]

Of course! Whether you won or not, or maybe you fancy entering into another category, there’s no limit on how many times you can enter your business in for an award.